
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Giveaway #1; Stag Necklace

Often times while making times in our closet or drawers for new accessories, we stumble across items barely worn since we bought them. Instead of letting them collect dust, we decided to recycle them to someone who will appreciate them a little more then we do. Hence, a giveaway!

Here's How It Goes: leave a reply in the form of a comment below to a question we ask for that particular give away. Remember to leave your email, because if you win we need to get in contact with you! We'll choose a winner in exactly one week (Saturday, April 27th).

This week's giveaway is a faux gold stag head pendant on a leather 

This week's question is, "Name a particular moment that changed who you were, either for the better or worse."

Thanks & Good luck!


  1. A moment that changed you I was, was at a school talent show actually. I was singing Hey Soul Sister by train and I realized, this is what I want to do with my life. I realized that I was happiest on stage. Since then my mind has only been focused on music and all this about music. Thanks for hosting the giveaway! -Sureni My e-mail is

  2. when my parents almost got a divorce email:

  3. When I read Russell Lee's True Singapore Ghost Stories they were discussing about hell and everything . That moment I got scared and started praying to God . Email :

  4. When my father died I had to become stronger emotionally for my mom and little sister.

  5. The moment that changed me was when I realized my parents were just people who make mistakes and don't know everything. That happened quite early in my childhood and the realization was brought on by the acts of my father.

  6. When I was bullied, during the middle school. It was hard and I was betrayed by many of my friends. But now I'm stronger and I found my true friends.

  7. When I was 9, my grandma (my mom's mom) was hospitalized and she could no longer talk and had tubes all over her, her arms were inflamed and they had to amputate her leg. We all unfortunately knew she was going to pass, but she kept fighting and we all could tell. But one day, she finally passed on. God needed her. What hurt the most was I was such a little brat to her. I was horrible and disobedient and I absolutely loved her, yet I was an undeserving child. It just hurts to know that she never got to see me grow up and become an adult. I remember the day my mom and auntie came home and they were crying and hyperventilating because of my grandma's passing. It hurts when you cannot help the inconsolable. My other grandma, too, has passed, and my grandfathers are growing older, too. I visited my grandpa yesterday, and he keeps asking where my grandma is, but she has passed away 9 years ago and he was at the funeral, but he has a bad memory and it's really tragic. I've learned to just love the people who love me because I never know when it may be our last day. I'm attending college next year majoring in nursing, and hopefully in the future I'll continue schooling, because my true aspiration is to become an MD. I just want to help patients and their families. :)

  8. My apologies, I forgot me email. angelminded95 @ yahoo . com

  9. A moment I changed was when I made it to the national competition for DECA (a marketing organization) in high school. It taught me that I was good at business and I loved the experience overall. Thanks to that experience, and my subsequent experiences with DECA, I decided to pursue a higher education in business and will be receiving my Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration in June. :)

