
Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Truth About Exercise

Let me first start out by saying this:

Ladies, your body is perfect just the way it is. I don’t care what size you are. Size 0 or size 18, you’re amazingly beautiful and this has nothing to do with the way you look. Trust me, and above all, do not let anyone tell you that your body is not pretty and that you should change it.

However, if YOU are unhappy with YOU, then I’m here to help. And by the way, being unhappy with yourself does not just mean with your appearance. In February. I started a fitness kick because I was unhappy in my life with a huge variety of aspects and now in mid-April I feel so much better then I have in a very long time.

So lets get down to it.
 1.The issue of working out is a tricky one. It can be extremely confusing and at times severely frustrating. But, the first thing to address is making time for it. Start with any period of free time you have in the day. If you have a lot, YAY! If you have ten minutes, still YAY! No matter what, you’re working that body out more then you were before and this is already a huge accomplishment. You can use your free time to work out as many days a week as you’d like. Generally, I see people exercising five days a week, but obviously, some people don’t have that kind of leisure. So, just work it in when you can and your body will be throwing a huge huge thank you party.

 2.At first, it may be difficult to find routines that are easy for your body and muscles to handle because you’ve just started out. Walk. WalkWalkWalkWalk. The great thing about walking is you can literally do it anywhere. Around your neighborhood, through your house (yes, try up and down the stairs several times!), alternative routes to work, by taking the stairs instead of the elevator and any other place you decide to get creative. Walking, especially in long distances, will prepare your body for the future activity if you so decide to venture into harder work outs. If you don’t decide to do any more then walking, you’re by no means lazy. It’s been proven that walking briskly for twenty minutes a day can decrease your risk of diabetes, heart attack, having a stroke and an early death. Now I don’t see anything lazy about that! Brisk walking and running are great because they do not target a single area of your body, all of it will become toned and thinner.
  • ·If you do decide to up your waking, try 4 minutes walking, 1 minute running repeatedly until the end of your work out and your body will gradually get used to moving at a fast pace.
3. Perseverance. If your goal is to lose weight, normally, it takes about three months for someone to see changes in their own body when they start becoming physically active. Others will notice this before you. But I will tell you, three months is a very long time when you're playing the waiting game. You will get tired of seeing yourself appear the same before the mirror and upset with your body when it still quite can't keep up with the work out you desire to do. Stick to it, because ladies, by getting up and allowing yourself a short period of exercise in the day, you're doing so much more for yourself then people sitting on their bums all day picking out the nonexistent flaws of others.

Have I convinced you to start your fitness journey yet? I'll leave you with a few more points...
  • Exercise truly makes you happier. Physical activity causes endorphins to be released in your body. This chemical minimizes your perception of pain, and therefore reduces stress, anxiety and depression.
    • The next couple months will pass regardless of what you chose to do with the time, why not do yourself a favor and make yourself happy?   

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