Sunday, June 2, 2013

Scrumptious Banana Pops

Happy June everyone!!

I hope you're welcoming the change of seasons (if you have season changes that is) in a great way! I know I have been by staying inside in air conditioning.

Ha. Ha. But really, I have been working towards becoming more confident in myself physically and trimming down. Since it has been deathly hot the past couple of weeks in the North eastern U.S. of A, I have begun working an hour of pilates every day. Whew talk about a work out! While I may be cursing and sweating and dying during those 60 minutes, at the end I feel good about myself, and a couple of people have told me I'm beginning to look slimmer.

Where can I find such pilates videos that work my WHOLE body you may ask? Cassie Ho, a pilates instructor and head of Blogilates posts blog work out videos on Youtube. Check out her blog here!

Anyway, so the true point of this post I suppose is to give you a healthy and easy snack to prepare for yourself. Banana pops are indeed healthy, cheap, and a great staple during the hot summer months. Wanna make this delicious treat? Check it out below!

-10-20 oz. Bag of Dark Chocolate Chips (dark chocolate is the healthiest!)
-3-4 bananas (I ended up using 4 bananas which makes 8 banana pops)
-Popsicle sticks

Peel bananas then cut them in half. Take your popsicle stick and stick them straight through the base of the banana. Once you've done this, place your bananas on a cookie sheet with either parchment/freezer paper or tin foil. Let chill in freezer for at least 15 mins.

While your bananas are chilling, put bag of chocolate chips into a microwave-friendly bowl. Microwave on high for at least 40 seconds, stirring the chocolate so it is nice and smooth. You may need to put it back in the microwave a few times to melt the chips fully. 
After 15 mins, take your bananas out and dip in the chocolate! Allow excess chocolate to drip in the bowl, then place banana back on your cookie sheet.
Put bananas in the freezer until the chocolate is nice and crisp on the banana. 



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